Jurusan Psikologi Ngapain Sih? : Psikologi dalam Media & Mempelajari Psikologi di Internet

Psikologi dalam Media & Mempelajari Psikologi di Internet

Ini merupakan latihan alias excerise yang terdapat dalam buku "The Psychology Major's Handbook". Ditulis di blog karena ga tahu harus dikumpulin ke siapa. Bukan tugas kuliah wkwkwkw. 
*Sebagian tulisan ini ditulis dalam bahasa Inggris sebagai persiapan buat kuliah di luar amin :) Silakan gunakan google translate atau alat bantu penerjemah lainnya ;)

Psychology in the Media Locate a magazine article or Web site describing psychology research fndings.
1. Provide a brief summary of the fndings.
2. Explain what subf eld of psychology the research represents.
3. Identify one potential ethical issue related to the research topic.
4. Reconsider the f ndings described in the article. What further questions do you have? What questions should be addressed next? If you were the researcher whose work was mentioned in article, what would you try to learn next?


Virtual eye contact such as video call may gives same benefit as direct interaction based on autonomic nervous system response based on skin conductance. The idea is autonomic nervous is activated when someone feels calm and connected by social interaction and it is one of human biological needs. So, the experimenter set participants in 3 group : interacting directly, via video call, and gazing at video. All of participants showing positive facial muscle, but for activating autonomic nervous system the gazing at video participants didn't. The explanation of this phenomena maybe that what we need to activate it is to percieve others is giving us attention either it is directly or not.

This may be a research in field of social psychology as it investigates human-human interaction, or experimental psychology as it used experimental research, and may be extended to human factor psychology to gives insight to video call provider about maximizing the perception of being given attention by others.

Problems may rise from integrity aspects which is APA (American Psychological Association) Ethic Code C. The news dont give important details like when is the research being held and where we can read the details of the research. The accuracy of infering the same benefit of virtual and direct interaction is also to jumpy where autonomic nervous system response may not the only thing that is important about human interaction. For example is how to maximize communication that maybe important for couple in problem, classroom setting, etc. Another issue is if this experiment is conducted in covid-19 pandemy, then the direct interaction participant maybe at risk.

In order to answer research question : can virtual interaction give same benefit as direct interaction? We can ask other more specific questions like changing the benefit to other thing other than autonomic nervous system, it can be about communication process, it can be mood, emotion, and many more. Or we can change the setting to family, school, industry, and many more. To extend the research we can also ask what kind of virtual interaction works best? Is it if the application revert the camera, more realtime, have emoticon features, etc.


Pada tahun 2000-an awal Stephanie M. Carlson dari University of Minesota melakukan eksperimen marshamallow pada anak-anak. Eksperimen marshmallow bertujuan untuk melihat kemampuan mengontrol diri anak. Anak dihadapkan pada pilihan untuk memakan marshamallow yang ditinggalkan bersamanya di ruangan atau menunggu orang dewasa yang memberi instruksi tadi datang kembali dan membawakannya marshmallow lagi jika ia tidak memakan marshmallow di hadapannya.

Carlson kemudian melakukan survei pada orang 354 orang dewasa tentang performa anak 2000-an dibanding 1960-an dalam eksperimen marshmallow. Orang dewasa beranggapan anak 1960 lebih baik, namun kenyataannya anak tahun 2000 menunggu 2 menit lebih lama daripada 1960, 1 menit lebih lama daripada 1980. Kemampuan dalam tes ini berkaitan dengan kesuksesan akademik dan karir di masa depan

Penelitian ini dapat dikategorikan dalam bidang psikologi eksperimen atau psikologi perkembangan. Dari metodenya termasuk eksperimental sedangkan bahasannya terkait dengan perkembangan mengingat yang dilihat adalah kemampuan berdasarkan umur dan perbedaan generasi

Masalah etika yang mungkin terjadi adalah masalah akurasi data baik secara sengaja maupun tidak. Hal ini terkait dengan Kode Etik C APA (American Psychological Association) : Integritas. Masalah ini dapat terjadi karena tidak dijelaskan secara rinci metode penelitiannya dan apakah perbandingan penelitian dilakukan dengan membandingkan cara pengambilan data yang sama dan populasi yang sama atau tidak. Terlebih metode observasi yang digunakan sangat rentan akan subjektivitas dalam bentuk bias maupun perspektif. Pengambilan kesimpulan dari 2 penelitian yang tidak sebanding akan menimbulkan kesalahpahaman

Pertanyaan selanjutnya yang dpaat ditanyakan adalah apa yang menjadi penyebab perbedaan waktu menahan mengambil marshmallow? Tanpa mengetahui penyebabnya, sulit mengetahui implikasinya. Jika penyebabnya adalah karena anak zaman sekarang sudah dipenuhi kebutuhan mendasarnya dan sudah terbiasa makan enak sehingga value marsmallow berkurang, maka hal ini tidak dapat dikaitkan dengan peningkatan kemampuan kontrol diri anak di zaman sekarang dibanding zaman sebelumnya

Internet Scavenger Hunt
Use the Internet to answer each of the following questions about specialties in psychology. Provide the search terms used, the Web site, and your response.
1. In what states can psychologists prescribe medication?
2. How is forensic psychology different from psychology and the law?
3. What is a specialist degree in school psychology? Why earn one?
4. During World War II, psychologists used their skills in new ways to help the war effort. In what ways did psychologists contribute? What feld of psychology developed from these contributions?
5. What is Principle A of the American Psychological Association Ethics Code?
6. What subfeld(s) is (are) concerned with a biopsychosocial model? What is a biopsychosocial model?
7. When was the PsyD born?
8. Discuss two subf elds of experimental psychology.
9. Identify three ways in which psychologists can contribute to businesses and corporations.
10. What is Eye on Psi Chi? What did it replace?

1.Iowa, Idaho, Illinois, New Mexico, and Louisiana, as well as in the Public Health Service, the Indian Health Service, the U.S. military, and Guam. 
*Mostly done with lobby by APA. Psychologist must undergo training or achieve minimal degree. Arguments supporting : accesibility for mental health care, faster treatments, acces for rural patients, shortage of psychiatrists. Arguments against : insufficient training in medicine & pharmacology, risk for side effects, overlooking medical disorder as mental disorder, coexisting medical condition with psychotropics.

2.Forensic psychology is subfield of psychology which try to answer civil or criminal legal question by applying psychology. It differs from psychology as psychology is broader field of study and law is a different field of study. 
*There is forensic psychology class as an optional class in my campus but I havent took it and dont have any intention to take it in the future lol. There is also magister degree for forensic psychology in Universitas Indonesia

3.Basically a degree to get certification or licensure to practice within schools and other educational settings
*I dont think there is one in Indonesia as I have a friend, actually boss, who practice as school psychologist and her degree is on educational psychology (magistrate level for profession)

4.This could be a standalone article or even an academic paper lol. To summarize the history, during WWII psychology began to move its discipline to be not only an aacedmic and philosophycal discipline but also is practical. In the effort to win war, reduce the cost, and achieve peace, the application of psychology is needed. Psychology is used to assest suitable military soldier in term of technical abilities and mental resilient to face war trauma (this later aspect fails instead gave insight that everyone can be traumatized, not only the unstable one). The assesment is major development in psychometry and industrial-organizational psychology in term of recruitment. Trauma and other effect of war were tried to be minimalized by using psychologist to treat it. Clinical psychology growth incredibily during this time with funds and research flowing. Social psychology also played big roles like investigating reasons human doing war. Study like obedience to war isntruction and propaganda conditioning are some of them. Overall, there were major changes in psychology as a study and as organization because there are need to change the habit in psychology to suit world demands.
*Indonesia was also affected. One of the biggest is the born of Faculty of Psychology Universitas Padjadjaran in 1961 that was initiated by war veteran  (psychology in Universitas Indonesia came 1 year earlier).

5.Principle A: Beneficence and Nonmaleficence Psychologists strive to benefit those with whom they work and take care to do no harm. In their professional actions, psychologists seek to safeguard the welfare and rights of those with whom they interact professionally and other affected persons, and the welfare of animal subjects of research. When conflicts occur among psychologists' obligations or concerns, they attempt to resolve these conflicts in a responsible fashion that avoids or minimizes harm. Because psychologists' scientific and professional judgments and actions may affect the lives of others, they are alert to and guard against personal, financial, social, organizational, or political factors that might lead to misuse of their influence. Psychologists strive to be aware of the possible effect of their own physical and mental health on their ability to help those with whom they work.
*Straightly copied from APA. In Indonesia, there is Kode Etik HIMPSI (psychology association in Indonesia). Substantially, there isnt much difference in the principle, just differs in technical regulation such as classification to be a psychologist 

6.Most of subfields use this model whenever it is suitable as human are product of biology, psychology, and social aspects. It is hard to understand human if we elimiante one of the aspect. *Speaking by experience in studying psyhology, no subfield can ignore all of the aspects

7.In 1970 as an alternative of PhD. PsyD focused more on the application and providing service

8.Experimental psychology is one of the classics and will remain one. Psychology first considered of science as it tried to use scientific approach like other discipline and the momentum was one Wundt use experimental method. The classic subfield is memory, perception, emotion, etc. The newer one concern the application like intervention in clinical, industrial, or educational setting. They use classic instrument like illusionary ilustration, recording physiological aspects, questionairre, neuroimaging, and even using recent technology like virtual reality

9.(1)Understanding human behavior and mental process enable people to create the best product and market it optimally (2)Psychology can be used to create best work enviroment with productivity and well-being in mind (3)Psychology can be used to research what market needs

10.Eye on Psi Chi is the official magazine of Psi Chi, the International Honor Society in Psychology. This quarterly publication contains features, columns, interviews, and special announcements about popular advancements and issues in the field of psychology, as well as professional development, career, and graduate school advice. Eye on Psi Chi also updates members, alumni, and nonmembers regarding Psi Chi programs, financial opportunities, and chapter activities. Complete submission instructions can be found on Psi Chi's website
*Shamelessly copied from Wikipedia

Rekomendasi web nonakademik yang sering aku gunain buat dapat informasi tentang psikologi :



  1. Bonus : Excercise 1.2

    EXERCISE 1.2
    Can You Identify Academic Dishonesty?
    Circle the instances that exemplify academic dishonesty and inappropriate
    academic behavior.
    1. Copying a sentence from an article, noting the author but not enclosing
    the material in quotation marks.
    2. Listing facts, statistics, or other information without citing the source.
    3. Reviewing another student’s paper to learn about writing style and how to
    organize your paper on a different topic.
    4. Copying a graph from an article and listing the source and page number.
    5. Listing information and citing a reference that was not the source of the
    material.12 C H A P T E R 1
    6. Citing articles and books that were not read.
    7. Being unsure of the source of a particular piece of information, so listing
    a likely source.
    8. Changing the data in your study, by mathematically doubling the number
    of participants, for example, to improve your research fndings.
    9. Copying from another student’s test.
    10. Reading another student’s paper and rephrasing his or her responses in
    your own paper.
    11. Writing important points on your desk to use during an exam.
    12. Working with other students to complete a take-home exam despite the
    professor’s instructions to work independently.
    13. Copying a sentence from an article, enclosing the copied material in
    quotation marks and listing the author.
    14. Submitting a paper that you wrote for one class as an assignment in a
    different class.
    15. Writing a paper for someone else.
    16. Writing a paper by explaining ideas found in many articles and books and
    citing each.
    17. Explaining an idea or theory from a book in your own words, without
    listing the source.
    18. Participating in an online class discussion as someone else.
    19. Cutting and pasting information from a Web site into your paper or
    discussion post in an online class.
    20. Copying your tests from a particular instructor and class to share with
    friends who currently are enrolled in that class.

    Answer: All but the following items are examples of academic
    dishonesty: 3, 4, 13, 16


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